Conferencia "Mechanics, Manipulation, and Perception of Deformable Objects" (HOY jueves 2 de noviembre a las 15h. en seminario DIIS)

Hoy jueves 23 de noviembre, a las 15h., en el Seminario del Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas (Ada Byron, 1ª planta), tendrá lugar la conferencia Mechanics, Manipulation, and Perception of Deformable Objects,  impartida por Timothy Bretl (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).

This talk is about robotic manipulation and perception of canonical "deformable linear objects" like a Kirchhoff elastic rod (e.g., a flexible wire). I continue to be amazed by how much can be gained by looking carefully at the mechanics of these objects and at the underlying mathematics. For example, did you know that the free configuration space of an elastic rod is path-connected? I'll prove it, and tell you why it matters.

Timothy Bretl comes from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he is a Professor, a Severns Faculty Scholar, and the Associate Head for Undergraduate Programs in the Department of Aerospace Engineering. He holds an affiliate appointment in the Coordinated Science Laboratory, where he leads a research group that works on a diverse set of projects in robotics and education ( He has also received every award for undergraduate teaching that is granted by his department, college, and campus.

Esta actividad está organizada por el grupo de Robótica, Visión por Computador e Inteligencia Artificial (RoPERT) del I3A.