Rapid Methods of Analysis with Spectroscopic Techniques

MARTE is a DGA Reference Group (E43_20R) within which researchers from the University of Zaragoza, the Miguel Servet University Hospital and the ITA collaborate.

The group develops new analytical methodology that allows direct elemental or isotopic analysis of solid samples and complex matrices, developing applications in the areas of clinical research (minimally invasive analysis) and in the characterization of nanoparticles.

The techniques that are mainly used are high resolution atomic/molecular absorption with continuous source (HR CS GF AAS or MAS), inductively coupled plasma with detection by mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and laser ablation (LA/LIBS). 


Microsampling for biomedical elemental analysis: make every droplet count

Developing new analytical methodologies for providing elemental and isotopic information from microsamples, which can be obtained in a minimally invasive way in order to achieve entity-resolved information.
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Towards a new diagnosis of Lyme disease through nanotechnology, atomic spectrometry and artificial intelligence.
Interreg POCTEFA

Completed projects (since 2020)